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Product Code Numbering System

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Product Numbering System

Product numbers for J.T.Baker and Macron Fine Chemicals products consist of 6 characters that compromise the 4-digit product code and the two-digit packaging size code. The following example is for J.T.Baker 3628-04 Sodium Chloride.




Four digit product code


Two digit package size code

The first 4 characters designate the product code and identify individual material. The product code is then followed by a hyphen, and the remaining two characters denote the package size. Products with the same four digit product code are sourced from the same source manufacturing material. The suffix denotes different packaging sizes only and is not an indicator of different sourcing.

In our example, 3628 is for Sodium Chloride USP-FCC and the -01 is designated for the 500 g packaging container of this material. Therefore, the material for 3628-01 (500 g bottle) and 3628-07 (12 kg pail) are the same material but are packaged in different containers/sizes.

Note, the product number may be alphanumeric, e.g. V078-04, and may be 5-digits for bulk product codes, e.g. 3628-R.



Trademarks are owned by Avantor Performance Materials, LLC. or its affiliates unless otherwise noted.
2019 Avantor Performance Materials, LLC.

Keywordsproduct code number, part number, 1608, 605, batch, lot, catalog number, material number, suffix



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